Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Don throws out topics, Rachel fills in the words:

July has few weddings. Big shock there with the heat. Who thought building our national's capital on a swamp was a good idea? Anyway, no bride with half a heart is going to put her relatives through the pea soup these weathermen have the audacity to call humidity. So instead of the usual DxOing and DVD burning it's been alot of winding down and gearing up. Fall begins the next big season but also the wedding show on September 9 (anyone who wants free tickets please leave a comment).

We're also in the midst of redesigning the website. The scroll bars on the photos was not our ide anad was taky. And as, like all summer interns, I will be leaving Don in less than a month for Syracuse, I've been setting up the bride newsletter e-mails. Give the newbie a break. (We're looking for a newbie p.s. Someone "emmersed and obsessed" in/with photography. Leave a comment with your website, etc). Our most recent gifts on the newsletter have been:

For 2008 brides (10 days only free DVD)
2007 brides free upgrades on albums

Don says he doesn't want to leave the door open forever. Which reminds me: we need to go put an expiration date on our darkroom edition albums....

so many things to prep!

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