Monday, June 18, 2007

Photojournalism in the extreme

Upperville, VA (we started in Warrenton on a street called “Winchester” but that’s another story entirely) - Our wedding this week was unlike any other wedding I have experienced thus far as part of Keith and Associates. Our bride came to us only two weeks ago; her original photographer bailed with her deposit only a short time before. The couple was understandably on a very limited budget. Her request was rather unusual for our studio (no album or first edition print book, just a high res CD and internet posting) but we took on the job anyway…And what an experience!

The festivities officially began when we arrived at the church. There were three of us; Don (orchestra director and photo sniper), James (the camera they were supposed to be looking at) and me (women’s dressing room, sniper #2, computer operator, basic gofer (Don says I’m an advanced gofer :-) ). James and Don went to the groomsmen while I attended to the ladies. It’s becoming our usual pre-ceremony routine, very journalistic photos of the bride and groom separately with their attendants getting ready and then breaking right into the formals.

Formal shots have a way of feeling stagnant and boring. This time we tried to mix things up. James got the standard and obligatory while Don and I skulked in the background with our 200mm’s picking off the emotions, relations, and sheer happiness. (Don: cause she was happy. You can see it on her face.)

Look for some album pages here in a few weeks.

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