Sunday, August 5, 2007

Feeling Dickens

Don cooks dinner, Rachel waits for High Res DVD verification:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

The wedding was phenomenal. The bride was gorgeous, the location superb. And then....the files corrupted. I arrived on the scene approximately 2 hours before the crime was committed. All seemed normal. Nothing too out of the ordinary. But then I noticed Don hadn't reformatted his card before starting today's shoot. In addition to the pictures from the event, there were still images from his vacation in Chicago. No biggie, right? WRONG! As the formal dinner reception got underway, I attempted to download the photos from the card to the laptop. "File would not copy. Improper Parameters" the Windows message read. I flipped and started going through my repertoire of recovery techniques. I tried everything; copying one file at a time, restarting the computer, using a different card reader, using a different port! Nothing worked. The other cards were fine, as were the July photos. Only the ones from that day wouldn't copy. We had no image recovery software, nor web access to download it so I was stuck. I left Don that night without knowing whether the images would be recovered or not. Thankfully though, Don's friend is a DOS wiz. Don drove to Peter's directly following and he figured someway of uploading them that way. Nothing like a few digital age problems to get the adrenaline going.

Today was spent in the usual way: the weekly time stamping and integration debacle, creating DVDs, proof albums, and uploading all the images to photo reflect. In other news we interviewed some people for my replacement. As tomorrow will be my last day this will probably be my last post. My time with Don has been infinitely rewarding; I have learned so much. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy the new Keith and Associates lackey-gofer-assistant-photo enthusiast-intern person.